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Final Fantasy 1

Final Fantasy 1

Final Fantasy for Nintendo? Pinch me I must be dreaming. No, It's true-back in the day (for all you yungins) Nintendo created it for the NES. It surprised me too-until I played it. The game layout was simple, but I found myself loving every minute of it. At the start, you get to choose four of the six characters. And you can have any combination. They had a fighter, a theif, a black belt, a white mage, a red mage, and a black mage. My favorite combo were two fighters, a white mage, and a black mage. I had my fighting, healing spells, and damaging spells in here. And I was practically unstoppable. Back to the game. When you first start, you are told to save Princess Sara from the evil knight Garland. You fight him, and get a few items. That's when you find out about the four Fiends: Lich, Kary, Kraken, and Tiamat. Each of those four can only be contained in an Orb. Good news- it just so happens that you are carrying them with you! So you face them, and win and yo will be sent to the past to face-GASP!-Garland and the demonic force of Chaos. And he knows all your moves. If you survive, the time-loop will be broken, and you will be sent back to your time as a hero.

What's so good about that? The challenge, for one thing. It is claimed by many to be the hardest Final Fantasy game in the series. I don't disagree there. Another reason it is so great is because the graphics are incredible for an NES game. The fact that you can choose your team makes it more interesting, and gives it replay value like none I've ever seen before. The enemies are just the weird, odd-looking freaks of nature you would expect them to be. Need I continue on? The only problem I had with the entire game was that since it was Nintendo, The game would overheat (after being on all day) and reset my game! I wanted them to re-do the game for another system so I wouldn't have that problem. And here comes the handheld system Wonderswan! Not too long ago, they recreated the game, making it ahve better graphics, sound quality, etc. But I liked how the old fighter looked. He had red hair, not blonde. He looked sort of tougher.But I guess that's something I can't complain about.

There really isn't much else about the game. This game is where they got the original design for FFIX's Vivi. The thing you might want to do before finding the fiends is going to the Cardian Islands (It can be done) and talking to Bahamut about changing your character's classes. That will make them stronger, and allow them to use higher-level magic. This game may seem simple at first, but it gets harder as it progresses. Soon I will put up hints for this game in this review section. That way, you will know how to defeat the hardest Final Fantasy game of them all.

  • Reviewed by: Olikrom (
  • Date Reviewed: 3-17-01 St. Patty's Day
  • Pros: It is really fun and challenging
  • Cons: It was for Nintendo, so the quality wasn't all that good
  • Final Score:
